Friday, June 1, 2012


I’ve been a moongazer all my life. Yes, even when I thought it was made of green cheese. That’s what led me to write my 2008 novel, Man in the Moon. That book was so much fun to write, especially my choice of breaking the chapters into phases of the moon. It makes me sad that Delacorte didn’t indicate the paranormal aspects in their rather blasé jacket blurb. When is the moon not magical? 

OK, why am I telling you all this? Because I was doing a bit of cleaning up and found an unopened box filled with copies. And since books are meant to be shared, I’m offering 3 free autographed copies to my faithful followers. Just tell me in the comment section your thoughts, experiences, romances, etc., that somehow involved the moon. I’ll send copies to the 3 I think really shine. And be sure to leave a contact email address so I can notify you.


  1. Exhausted, aching and content all at once. Pacing slowly round and around the living room, rocking and swaying a tiny, squirmy days-old newborn baby in my arms, hoping to unlock the secret that will lull him to sleep as only the warm golden moonglow lights our way.

    cathy54321 at hotmail dot com

  2. Hi Dottie,

    My astrological sign is Cancer so the moon is EXTREMELY connected to almost every aspect of my life. It is even the cornerstone of one of my can read a teaser here..

    I'm not called a moon child for nothing...;0)...just see how magical MY moon can be!

    Donna L Martin

    1. Donna, I left a comment on your blog. I'm absolutely blown away by the visuals your create in that story. Please let me know if you write more!

    2. Thank you, Dottie...I am honored that you enjoyed my introduction to Lunadar. I will rotate Lunadar with three other stories (Lacey's Bridge/YA suspense, The Calm Before The Storm/YA mystery, and The Warriors Three/MG adventure) on Fridays on my blog. I've already posted my first installments of the other three on my blog over the past week or so and they received nice comments from my followers, so I will continue to tease and entertain them with more installments...;0)

      Here are the links to the other installments I have posted so far about Lunadar:

      I really hope I copied all of those correctly...I'm crossing my fingers.

      Thank you for your kind words and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

      Donna L Martin

  3. So many, many years ago, before my husband and I were married, we were having a romantic moment. I glanced out the window and said, "May, that is the brightest moon I have ever seen!" Dave looked out and said, "Honey, that's a streetlamp." Yup. True story. (Blushing here.)

    Rosi Hollinbeck

  4. Haha!!! Rosi, that made my night!

  5. My husband and I, when we were merely dating at the time, took a self-imposed photograph of the two of us together because there was no one else to, during our first trip together to Montreal. This was at a time before digital cameras. But, voila! The picture turned out exceptionally well, our faces close together and clear. My smile was so wide and my face round and fair that I was dubbed quite affectionately by my husband, "Luna." The photograph is still referred to as the "La Luna picture."

    Zara Alexis

  6. Love a full moon. On the full moon my husband buries three found coins (must be found heads up) in green water sealed in a jar with green wax for three days. Then he digs it up puts the green water in a spray bottle and squirts it around the house and his desk for good luck and wealth. We are doing okay, so who am I to argue, but the kids cringe every time he approaches them with that green squirt bottle.

    1. Haha! Suzanne, that's amazing! Just remind them what could happen if they don't get squirted. :)

  7. Did you see the moon last night by chance? It was spectacular! I've never seen anything like it. I was on my way home from the SCBWI meeting and saw it while weaving through our neighborhood. It actually looked like a beautiful sunset over the ocean. I was so awestruck; I brought my husband outside to show him. We couldn't see it over our trees, so the two of us climbed the fence to get a glimpse. Talk about memorable!


    1. Yes, I caught a glimpse before it hid behind the clouds and pointed it out to Vicki and a few others who were hanging back.

  8. I'm posting this on behalf of Vukani Nyirenda.

    It's amazing. Reading about writing craft, I have learned that there is no topic one can think of that hasn't been written about in one way or another. An example is the Moon phases.

    I wrote a folktale titled "Mr Moon Leaves Home" which was published by Skipping Stones Magazine in their Jan - Feb 2010 issue, vol.22 No.1 believing I was the only one writing about this subject; your book proves me wrong.

    In my story, the moon is a healthy, well fed young man before he marries. But this changes when he marries three wives: The first wife, Navipyenge (Let the food cook) is stingy, doesnt feed the moon claiming the food isn't ready. Mr Moon is starved, grows thin, that's why you see the moon looking like the letter "C" in the first phase; the scond wife, Natulang'anya (Scrounge), is generous but has no resources, she feeds the moon on scaps, he gains a little weigt, that's why you see the moon looking like a half circle in the second phasee; finally Mr Moon goes to his third wife, Zubulaninge (Just dish out cooked or not),who is generous, rresourceful, feeds Mr. Moon lavisshly, and he gains his original weight with a pot belly. Tht's why you see the round moon in the third phase.

    Such tales are used to teach children abstract subjects like astronomy. I'd love to see how you treat the subject of the moon phases. Indeed, the writing world has shrank. Most important, congratulations for your book.

  9. I'm sad that blogger shuts out some of you who want to comment. But you can send the comments to me and I'll post them for you.

  10. I'm posting this for lou buffkin

    Dotti, a few years ago my boyfriend and I were standing by the car catching a slight breeze.He had his arm around my shoulder and I had my arm around his waist.The moon, low,clear and beautiful shone across his face and made my breath catch. I glanced up at the moon and my heart turned over. I knew at that moment I was in love. I have never felt that again but I will never forget it.It was such an awesome experience.

  11. "Shine on, shine on, harvest moon, up in the sky... "

    My father carries me in his arms and sings to the moon, on his way to putting me to bed. It's one of my earliest and most comforting memories, from so long ago that it astonishes me when I do the math. He's been gone for years now, but I can hear his voice, and I smile:

    "... January, February, June or July... so shine on, shine on, harvest moon--for me and my gal!"

    coloradok @

    1. Wow! My mother and I used to sing that song together. It's one of my fondest memories. I'm so glad you reminded me. Amazing how one little song can be such a comfort.

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